The exception that proves the rule. LOGICO is the concrete effect reminiscent of the beat of urban life, the large bright spaces where the whole & the detail coexist with distant but complementary languages.
Logico is an eclectic style with character. It is the combination of a material & an industrial style and the desire for transversality. Logico is the concrete effect made of two souls: sober rationality & carefree boldness. It is a journey into rigour that opens up to multiple combinations at the same time. Possibilities of styles, colours & leaps towards unexpected decorations that allude to living, dynamic materials.
Logico & Cosmo are the designs that animate the collection, both available in 5 colours. The possibility of including easily matching details, such as the Tecno decoration inspired by leca brick, makes them versatile & dynamic. Logico is a series with a linear & rigorous style, that coexists with similar or completely opposite styles